Search Page
How do I search for an item?
To do a basic search, enter in a keyword (or part number) in to the Enter Keyword text box and then click the Search button. Search results will be displayed.
Why can I not find any ICON+ items when I enter in ICON+ into the keyword search?
The search tool uses Boolean search functionality where a + symbol represents the command AND. Therefore, if you search for ICON+ it sees that you are searching for ICON AND which will deliver no results. If you enter in ICON+ Mask then it will display all items that contain both the words ICON and Mask in them. The best way to search for ICON+ items is to enter in the keyword search the words ICON Plus.
How do I use the advanced search options?
The advanced search options allow you to further refine a search. There are three different options you can use to focus your search. These are product, category and file type. Once these options have been selected, click the search button. Nb: the advanced search options can be used without a keyword being entered.
What does the Add button do?
The Add button allows you to add an item you have searched for into the My Files box for bulk downloading of media and/or resources.
What does the Download button do?
The Download button opens up the resource/media item in a new window in your browser. From here the file can be saved and used as required.
What does the Order button do?
If a resource is able to be ordered, an Order button will be displayed with the resource. The file will be added into the My Cart box.
What does the My Files box display?
All items that have had the Add button selected, will be displayed in the My Files box.
What does clicking the View details button on the My Files box do?
Clicking on the View details button takes you through to the My Files page and displays further details on the items you have added. For FAQs on this page, refer to the My Files page questions.
What does clicking the View details button on the My Cart box do?
Clicking on the View details button takes you through to the My Carts page and displays further details on the items you have ordered. For FAQs on this page, refer to the My Carts page questions.